Gregs Thomopulos
Former Positions
President & Chief Executive Officer of Stanley Consultants, FIDIC
Gregs Thomopulos joined as a Senior Advisor to EFCG after an extraordinary 52 year career at Stanley Consultants, Inc., beginning as an intern and rising to President and CEO and then Chairman of the Board. The company has completed more than 23,000 engagements in all 50 states of the United States and 104 countries and is ranked among the largest consulting engineering companies in the United States.
Gregs received his B.S. degree (Highest Distinction) in Civil Engineering from the University of Kansas and an M.S. degree in Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics from the University of California, Berkeley.
Gregs is Past Chairman of ACEC, Past President of FIDIC, a Fellow of ASCE and a member of the National Society of Professional Engineers. He serves on numerous not-for-profit Boards.