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Image by Anders Jildén

Market Performance Analysis

Market Performance Analysis

EFCG’s Market Performance Analysis provides a deep dive into the performance of an AEC industry end market (ex: Water/Wastewater, General Building, Transportation, Environmental). It displays a wide range of financial and operational metrics including revenue growth, profit margins, overhead spend, and employee turnover (download the below Overview and Template for the full list of metrics).

​The analysis captures historical, current, and forward-looking KPIs that enable private equity firms and investors to:

- Assess whether a certain end market presents investment opportunities and/or aligns with their investment thesis

- Understand the landscape of specialized AEC firms and identify patterns in their organizational structures and business models

- Benchmark the performance of portfolio companies relative to key players in the space

The full analysis of the selected markets will be provided in a comprehensive report, which will include approximately 30 exhibits. Should the client prefer a condensed version of the full report, it will have the option to select specific exhibits for inclusion. Contact us for details.

Marker Performance Analysis - $50k for the full report, or $5k per exhibit

To purchase a customized Market Performance Analysis, please email Emily Shaw at

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