EFCG’s Market Performance Analysis provides a deep dive into the performance of an AEC industry end market (ex: Water/Wastewater, General Building, Transportation, Environmental). It displays a wide range of financial and operational metrics including revenue growth, profit margins, overhead spend, and employee turnover (download the below Overview and Template for the full list of metrics).
The analysis captures historical, current, and forward-looking KPIs that enable private equity firms and investors to:
- Assess whether a certain end market presents investment opportunities and/or aligns with their investment thesis
- Understand the landscape of specialized AEC firms and identify patterns in their organizational structures and business models
- Benchmark the performance of portfolio companies relative to key players in the space
The full analysis of the selected markets will be provided in a comprehensive report, which will include approximately 30 exhibits. Should the client prefer a condensed version of the full report, it will have the option to select specific exhibits for inclusion. Contact us for details.
Marker Performance Analysis - $50k for the full report, or $5k per exhibit
To purchase a customized Market Performance Analysis, please email Emily Shaw at eshaw@efcg.com.